The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at Pace University invites you to bilingual poetry reading via Zoom.
Authors Silvina López Medin* and Claudia Prado** will be reading in English and Spanish from their most recent publications.
This is a free event open to the public via Zoom:
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MEETING ID: 891 526 7537
PASSWORD: 652397
*SILVINA LÓPEZ MEDIN was born in Buenos Aires and lives in New York. Her books of poetry include La Noche de los bueyes (Madrid, 1999), winner of the Loewe Foundation International Young Poetry Prize, Esa sal en la lengua para decir manglar (Buenos Aires, 2014; That Salt on the Tongue to Say Mangrove, tr. Jasmine V. Bailey, Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2021), 62 brazadas (Buenos Aires, 2015), and Excursión (Buenos Aires, 2021). Excursion was selected by Mary Jo Bang as the winner of the Oversound Chapbook Prize (Oversound, 2020). Her hybrid poetry book Poem That Never Ends was a winner of the Essay Press/University of Washington Bothell Contest (Essay Press, 2021). Her play Exactamente bajo el sol (staged at Teatro del Pueblo, 2008) was granted the Plays Third Prize by the Argentine Institute of Theatre. She co-translated Anne Carson’s Eros the Bittersweet (2015) into Spanish. Her writing has appeared in Ploughshares, Hyperallergic, Brooklyn Rail, Poetry Daily, Harriet Books/Poetry Foundation, and MoMA/post, among others. She has taught poetry workshops at the New York Public Library, Hudson Valley Writers Center, the International Writing Program/University of Iowa, and NYU. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from NYU and is an editor at Ugly Duckling Presse.
**CLAUDIA PRADO is an Argentinean poet and documentary filmmaker. She is the author of three poetry collections: El interior de la ballena (Nusud, 2000), which won the third Fondo Nacional de las Artes Poetry Prize in 1999, Aprendemos de los padres (Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, 2002), and Viajar de Noche (Limón, 2007). She has codirected the documentaries Oro Nestas Piedras, about the poet Jorge Leonidas Escudero, and El Jardin Secreto, about Diana Bellessi. Prado is the recipient of grants from the Fondo Nacional de las Artes in Buenos Aires, Argentina and the Queens Council on the Arts in New York, as well as a participant at the NYFA 2018 Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program for Social Practice. She facilitates creative writing workshops in Spanish in New York and New Jersey, some with the support of Poets & Writers.